Chris, br, thanks for your compliments!
I recently got a mill, a Paulimot F205-V, along with a powder-coated rather thick sheet steel chip tray specifically for this model, with mounting holes pre-drilled, that tray was only 26 EUR. I would buy one if there was a suitable one being sold for the Hobbymat, however it's an old model and I suppose no one makes any accessories for it.
Here in Luxembourg labor is quite expensive and I don't know any local sheet metalworkers, perhaps I have to ask around. A couple of TIG welds on an almost finished products shouldn't cost an arm and a leg, I guess? 
Clive, here's a picture of my Hobbymat when I just got it:

So that wooden plank at the bottom, I already removed that, the question is whether to replace it with a somewhat smaller piece of plywood, that would be the same size as the yellow support under the bed. I don't see how it's addition would make it easier or harder to get a brush under the bed and into the nooks and crannies. Either way, I can use a (very low) loose tray between the D-shaped bed and the base, that is a good suggestion.
As for the working height, I am mounting the lathe on top of a rolling tool cart (which will be permanently parked alongside a wall, levelled with levelling casters, and bolted to the wall as well for stability), it's around 1m tall, higher than a typical bench. As things stand, the cross slide handle is slightly below elbow height. A layer of plywood will raise it 18-25 mm (forgot which one I have in stock), but would that really make a noticeable difference? Should I glue several layers of plywood to get to that perfect elbow height? I am foreseeing another trip to the hardware store for longer screws than the ones I've got already.
Does that elbow height rule of thumb also apply to mills? I assume it's the crank handles that have to be at elbow heights.