Hello Vic,
thank you!
I try to explain what you want to know. I made a picture of Juergens valve gear and there is to see that the valve steam channels are casted. The blue side movement from chimney to gear or the rhs in the diagram is not very accurate. The shape is not with straight cut as it is achieveable if it is milled.
For my opinion is this the reason in combination with some marks on the valve running surface that there is in this area the valve is not perfect steam thight.
The steam channel on the gear side is more accurate and straight. But in the picture it is not very good to see.
And there are many marks on the surface too.
When I look in old books i found that from 90 to 100 mm piston displacement the blue curve comes up and the reason is that the steam port to the chimney is closed and there is some compression. Therefore at about 100 mm there is then steam comming in and this cause in a slope, because steam pressure is lower then the compression pressure at this moment of opening the valve. To make this perfect the valve have to be a litlle bit machined in the inside to allow the steam to come earlier to the chimney. If green where mirrored as a blue curve this will be better.
If we look to the curve in the old book there is an example which is discribed with too late admission.
Juergen made the excenter settings with not very good explanations in the plan, as he told me. He had to interpretate some dimensions. And it was clear he had to decide to screw down the excenter after his measured dimensions. I think the result, after this possibility of possible mistakes, is very good.
Juergen want not to change anything in the beginning, he was satisfied with what he had achieved. As I show him which i achieved with my little loco Plettenberg with the first tests of the electronic cylinder indication setup, he gave me a try. I made then some attachements for the rope displacement sensor and the electronic.
The first base measurements were made with lot of improvisation during standing without load. This was not good. The best behaviour for measurements is slow running ~ 120 -200 RPM and under load. As you see in the diagram, there is a very low steam pressure ~ 1 bar during driving in the cylinder.
The pressure sensors are connected with tubes, because he had no possibility to screw the sensor pipes to the cylinder. But in the other hand it is good to see that the measurement setup is in function with this circumstances.
Here is a closer view of the sensor attachment. For me it is a little bit difficult ,because i make all pictures, video, computer, measurement and calibration by my own. Therefore I was happy Stefan the friend of Juergen helped me with the steam engine.
The rope sensor have been build by my own with a multi turn potentiometer and a return spring from an identiy card jo jo. Herbert a modelflying colleague sponsored me with fine steel wire . The accuracy of the rope sensor is in the range of 0.1 mm by 300mm displacement. I compared it to a digital gauge at my mill. This is much better then we need for this measurement.
The pressure sensors are chinese ones and i compared them to a pressure gauge with a good result. And they are low cost. The electronic is based on an arduino nano with bluetooth transmitting to the laptop. The software is my homebrew based on freebasic and is coming from DOS times with GW basic. In the field it is easier to act with key commands as with scroll down menus. So it is very good for this kind of work.
Juergen is now very happy with the valve adjustment and measurement. He made long runs of 2.6 an 3.6 km and noticed remarkable less coal and water consumption. And he can drive now very slowly and the engine starts now smooth and not like a wild horse as it was in the beginning.
In the next time we measure another engine. This one is older and have a very good run in.
It will be very interesting to see how this performance is in relation to the measured diagrams.
best regards