A petrol blowlamp is the reason I use LPG. When I was very young, Mums father, a plumber from Paisely (Scotland) came out to NZ to visit, he bought some tools with him, amoung them was the petrol blowlamp, about 20yrs ago i was using it, when it blew back through the gland on the control valve, I dropped it, caught it with my toe, and kicked it out the door. I went and bought the LPG torch. The petrol lamp has no pump, unlike the kero one, but it is started the same way with a small reservior of meths that is lit to preheat the unit.
I also have one of those meths blowlamps with the two cylindrical tanks about 3/4"dia X 4" long, one has the burner attached to the top, the other is opened and the wick is lit this pressurises the lamp. Never found a use for it, but its there on the window sill.
Got one of those little pencil torches, quite a good source of fuel is discarded Plasode fuel cells found on builing sites, or Ronson lighter fuel (but yer gotta buy that stuff). GO FOR GAS much better than liquid fuels, and here at least its cheaper than meths. Ian S C