G'day all,
Last weekend I was at an event in canberra called The Mont. This is a 24hour endurance mountainbike race, and half of it is done with very expensive LED on head and handlebars. recharging is gerally done a a central point because these events are well out in the sticks.
I have built a partially satisfactory low temp differential stirling.
The idea is to build a small stirling capable of running a generator sufficient to recharge mountainbike lights. How do I start?
The lights will recharge from a lighter socket in the car (some from a USB – and one of my sons is very keen on the idea of beinga ble to recharge his phone while camping, this would also recharge the GPS which would be good).
So the start point is understanding how to build a generator sufficient for that (I have no idea but have recently seen a model using a DVD drive motor, I think that things like regulating the output to protect the device would also be inportant?)
Then the next point is an engine sufficient to drive the gennerator. Ideally, this would be powered from something like a small flame, pperhaps a portable camping gas burner as a maximum, but that is pretty hot.
Can anyone contribute to this please?
I know nothing about the electics/electronics. I know a little bit (not much) more about the engine.
The teenage boys are greatly enthused – it provides a 'really cool' way of being different at a campsite and enabling the electronics on which thier life seems to depend in between bike laps.