Many thanks, I like your models a lot too.
The bed was drawn on autocad and is made of 8 pieces of steel. I then sent the files to Malcolm at ME Laser who cut them for me. I then tig welded it all together. It was the only way I could think of other than screwing them together which seemed a lot more work. As I was painting this model black I was not too concerned about using welds.
The fillets were a real pain in the bum. As you know they have curves in awkward directions and seemed to me to be impossible to machine so I filed them. I first bored the hole for the trunnion into the fillet. I then pushed blutac onto the barrel and made a blutac filet. After carefully taking this off it gave me the shape I needed to file. It was very tricky but I did get a half decent fit in the end. They were then attached with an epoxy metal from b and q and a small amount was needed to fill some small gaps. I doubt this would be any good for you though as you are probably not intending to paint your brass model but I am going to paint mine.
If you do find a way let me know, I can only think of casting a complete barrel but thats not much help.