Well somewhat fed up today, everything's gone wrong.
Went into the shed, and went to turn my "soft" centres down to a point, they had been a bit rounded, broke my sharpest cutting bit. Dug around and found another rounded end One, no good for the job at hand so.abandoned that idea, for a couple of quid and less hassle I'll just buy two new ones.
Anyhow. With the rounded end cutter the brass machined beautifully and turned a plummers end plug down to start on a crank, this didn't go so well either, having got the brass to the required diameter I drilled the hole. After i had got a wonderfully fitting shaft into the hole, realised that id actually made a bearing instead of a crank, as the hole was to be offset. Oh well put that to one side. Start again.
Machined to diameter again then off set the round in the four jaw. Drilled the hole, drill wobbling! Sigh, carry on regardless taking it slow to see what happens. Got it drilled and turned to drill the other side at 2mm for the crank pin. When I finished tried the hole and it was tight fit, then i realised the spotting drill mustn't have been aligned correctly in the chuck, basically second attempt knackard. Results as shown and now can't get my shaft out.
Given up today, but not before getting the tailstock aligned. It was out slightly out of alignment.
Edited By Neil Wyatt on 12/09/2017 09:36:15
Edited By Neil Wyatt on 12/09/2017 09:36:45