It's not just camera movement that is ian issue here there is a wavyness to the video which I have noticed in a few others recently, take a look at the air connection at the start of the clip and it sways from side to side, no tripod will cure that.
There is a name and reason for it as it came up teh other day on another forum but can't find the post right now
Edit, seems like a tripod will help, from the other site
"Although it may be the G&Ts, it's actually a phenomenon called "rolling shutter". Cell phones (and some point n shoot still/video) record video one line at a time. "Real" video cameras capture the full frame all at once. Any cell phone movement creates the rubber legs on the engine. A camera support will stop the problem.
You may continue drinking with impunity. "
And the wobbly engine video in question, nice little engine.
Edited By JasonB on 29/06/2016 12:03:51