My first (ongoing) project


My first (ongoing) project

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  • #216814
    Ken Weeks

      dolbeerus256553.jpg_igp8103.jpg_igp8101.jpg_igp8098.jpgI am making a model of a A Dolbeer Horizontal Capstan Steam Donkey Logging Engine using the 1862 patent drawing and a drawing of a similar engine with full size measurements

      I have attached a few pictures.

      Ken Weeks

        A Dolbeer Horizontal Capstan Steam Donkey Logging Engine

        Michael Gilligan

          That's looking good, Ken



            You have made a good start Ken, would the original have had wooden skids as thats quite a section to have been cast solid?

            I'll did out a build of another steam Donkey later as it has quite a few ref photos of existing donkeys though mostly by American Hoist.



            Edited By JasonB on 18/12/2015 13:15:27

            Ken Weeks

              Thank you both for you replies.

              Yes Jason I agree if the engine had been produced the sledge would have been wooden.

              Most of the pictures I have seen show the workings mounted on an I beam frame and then mounted on the sledge.

              I am trying to produce a model of the 1862 patent drawing "somebodies thoughts" .

              I was in two minds about how to make the sledge but felt that a model of an "idea" was allowed a bit of " license" and felt that a solid frame followed the drawing and was more substantial if I wanted it to run.

              I look forward to your further input as the drawing is a bit lacking in detail.



                Hope you were not planning on doing much today as these two are quite long.

                Jerry's Donkey and Brian's Donkey

                You will get a few adverts on teh page unless you have the same level of membership of that forum as I do but still worth a look.

                Edited By JasonB on 19/12/2015 08:09:23

                Ken Weeks

                  Thanks for the links Jason should keep me occupied

                  There is a Yahoo forum called 4L that is interested in logging and equipment. in the Pacific Coast Redwood forest's.

                  I posted the picture attached on the forum asking for the full size boiler dimensions, I was given these plus the information that the "making" of 1"=1' model had bee written up with drawings in the Modeltec magazine in the late 80's

                  After a bit of searching I have just got the drawings in my possession so I know have information on smaller details

                  Kensteam donkey for drawing.jpg

                  Chris Gunn

                    Ken, I built a couple of steam donkeys from the book by William M Harris, "The Steam Donkey Engine", published by the Village press Publications Inc in the USA and obtainable in the UK. This has full drawings of his model based on an American Hoist and Derrick Company engine. This book is well worth a look for fleshing out the details and proportions. I am just adding the final details to my models, and will take some pictures when they are complete.

                    Chris Gunn

                    Neil Wyatt

                      Look forward to seeing more progress, Ken.


                      Roderick Jenkins

                        Hi Ken,

                        Interesting project, I look forward to further progress. I was very much taken with this logging engine seen on my recent trip to New Zealand. It is parked outside the (really excellent!) kauri museum.

                        log hauler 1.jpg

                        log hauler 2.jpg

                        log hauler 3.jpg


                        Rod (still horribly jet lagged)

                        Ken Weeks

                          Hi All

                          Thanks for all the replies.

                          Rod interesting pictures first one I have seen with a horizontal boiler.

                          Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all.


                          the artfull-codger
                            Posted by Roderick Jenkins on 19/12/2015 15:48:53:

                            Hi Ken,

                            Interesting project, I look forward to further progress. I was very much taken with this logging engine seen on my recent trip to New Zealand. It is parked outside the (really excellent!) kauri museum.

                            log hauler 1.jpg

                            log hauler 2.jpg

                            log hauler 3.jpg


                            Rod (still horribly jet lagged)

                            Hi Roderick,

                            I saw this engine at the kauri museum myself quite a few years ago, good to see it's still there,happy memories of N.Z.





                              For a first project that's fantastic. yessmiley


                              duncan webster 1

                                There is a wonderful blondin winder abandoned above the Nantlle slate quaries


                                It would make a wonderful, if complex model as it has two independant drums to control lift and travel, with clutches and brakes and all sorts of other wonderments. It's a pity that the Llanberis Museum haven't rescued it.

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