Hi all,
As stated elsewhere I have begun a new project, copying the Kerry Super 8 pillar drill I use in my workshop.
I thought it would be a nice easy little project until I remembered the backgear mechanism which I will have to replicate to scale if I am to get it to work properly.
I've never cut gears before so there is something for me to learn before starting the head. Do I need a dividing head or some such? I have a horizontal mill and a vertical so hope I can produce spur gears on either one.
The base is together now and took me a couple of weeks to fabricate from scratch, the main base is a lump of cast aluminium from a Hemingway kit that was going spare in the shop.
The tool tray/head support collar is made from steel bar and a lump of old cast iron from a garden sign, you can tell why I used the sign from the attocious spelling error on it.