Kerry drill model


Kerry drill model

Home Forums Work In Progress and completed items Kerry drill model

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  • #31102
    Tractor man

      Newest project on the bench

      Tractor man

        Hi all,

        As stated elsewhere I have begun a new project, copying the Kerry Super 8 pillar drill I use in my workshop.

        I thought it would be a nice easy little project until I remembered the backgear mechanism which I will have to replicate to scale if I am to get it to work properly.

        I've never cut gears before so there is something for me to learn before starting the head. Do I need a dividing head or some such? I have a horizontal mill and a vertical so hope I can produce spur gears on either one.

        The base is together now and took me a couple of weeks to fabricate from scratch, the main base is a lump of cast aluminium from a Hemingway kit that was going spare in the shop.

        The tool tray/head support collar is made from steel bar and a lump of old cast iron from a garden sign, you can tell why I used the sign from the attocious spelling error on it.





        Tractor man

          Just a photo of the items completed so far.



            Off to a good start

            A rotary table with index plates or a dividing head would be the best bet but depending on the Number of teeth required you may be able to bodge something up with lathe change gears and a simple indent.


            Tractor man

              I have made a little more progress on the model in between renovating my new machinery and sorting out Christmas lol.img_1212.jpg

              The table support was made as a fabrication of cast iron parts machined to shape and then finished on a belt machine to resemble the original castings.


              I think it looks about right on the pillar so I will continue to finish the clamp screws etc before painting.

              Then its planning the head machining process, not exactly sure how I am going to tackle it but I will sketch out a plan in my head and then see how it goes. I have sourced ready cut gears from HPC Gears to make the back gear train so that I avoid the gear cutting. I will still have to produce a rack and pinion for the quill.

              More later I hope.


                That's looking quite a smart job coming on.

                Oh how I miss my Kerry bench drill.

                Tractor man

                  A little progress on the work table. I can now start on the actual drill head. Can't wait for that lol




                    Is there any update on this? I have two kerry drills, I think they’re fantastic!

                    Tractor man

                      Hi all. By way of update I have to report all workshop operations have been suspended until further notice by SWMBO or at least until we have moved house. Crikey I have a lot of stuff!
                      I have found a local machinery moving firm and I’m letting them take the strain.
                      As regards the kerry I have made inroads into shaping the head casting and managed to find the right rack cutter to machine the quill rack.
                      I will post some pics tomorrow. Mick

                      Tractor man

                        Hi again. Got sidetracked so didn’t get chance to get in the shop to take pics so hopefully some from my phone will be in my album. Regards mick

                        Tractor man

                          Can’t add pics to this message on my phone so you will have to view them in the album. Mick

                          Tractor man

                            So. After moving house lock stock and barrel and spending all my time getting the new place up to scratch I am finally making inroads into my new workshop. I’ve had a sectional concrete one built to augment the garage space I already have. Just shifting things across now so I can start machining. Miraculously I have found all the parts for the Kerry drill project and I can restart it soon. Watch this space lol.

                            Michael Gilligan
                              Posted by Tractor man on 14/12/2016 16:05:05:
                              Miraculously I have found all the parts for the Kerry drill project and I can restart it soon. Watch this space


                              Great news … I'm looking forward to it yes


                              Neil Wyatt


                                That's one model we could feature in MEW


                                David Standing 1


                                  You have too much time on your hands!

                                  And yes, I am jealous……….

                                  And yes again, I can't wait to see this finished cool.

                                  kevin beevers

                                    nice work there looks great

                                    Steve Addy

                                      That is a lovely job. I have a hybrid Kerry Meddings drill as the base casting on a Meddings I bought was found to be cracked when I got it home and cleaned it. I bought a Kerry like this from a well known auction site as it had a nice column and was a floor standing machine unlike the bench Meddings. As I then found that the Kerry had suffered dentistry on the quill rack I made a hybrid from the two. Head and table are Meddings, rest is Kerry.

                                      On the gear cutting question, get yourself a copy of Ivan Law's book on the subject. I bought a job lot of the Brown and Sharp cutters (guess where from) and designed my loco gearbox around the cutters I had in stock. The calculations for the safe power transmission capacity were found in a Machinerys Handbook, but that shouldn't be required for your model. I used a Vertex BS0 dividing head on an old Denbigh miller. The gears came out great for a first time effort.  I'll pop a couple of pictures on shortly.

                                      Edited By Steve Addy on 24/01/2017 16:36:19

                                      Steve Addy

                                        Milling gears on the Denbigh H4 Auto of 1930s vintage

                                        gear milling

                                        Finished gears mounted on their shafts. Small ones are 10DP larger ones are 8DP.

                                        gear train

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