Double Tangye in slow (very slow) progress.


Double Tangye in slow (very slow) progress.

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  • #156941
    Rik Shaw

      Today, I made a start on the first of the two standards for my Double Tangye build. I have bored one leaving this one to do.

      unbored standard.jpg

      I made a boring bar to do the job out of a long 3/4" diameter bolt. The HSS bit sits in the end at a 45 degree angle and the bit can be advanced under control using a 4ba socket grub screw………

      ……….and now for the boring bit !!


      Rik Shaw
        Rik Shaw

          Having partially machined the pair of standards it was time today to do the job I have been putting of for weeks and that was to machine the cylinder mounting flanges but more particularly, the rear of the flanges indicated at "A" this being necessary because the cylinder retaining nuts need to sit square on the back of the flange and also the rough casting would not allow space for the 6BA nuts.

          So having previously bored the standards to take the crossheads I used the same mandrel to mount the first standard to the chucked rotary table on the milling machine. I used a small end mill to reduce the casting diameter to allow space for the nuts and used the same end mill to face the rear of the flange.


          before and after.jpg

          This still left the area on the underside of the flange un-machined due to the corners of the casting foot "B" fouling the collet holder. I had no choice other than to "peck" it out with the end mill and finish with a small square file.

          My die grinder smoothed out the step left by the end mill. I admit it does not look to pretty at the mo but when the painting has been done I am sure it will look OK.

          I know that Jo on another forum used the same method to do the rear of her flanges and she was not relishing the prospect. If she's reading this I know the feeling Jo – a pig of a job.



            Good to see you making a bit more progress on this one Rik


            Alastair Sinclair

              Hi Rik,

              I built the Double Tangye a good number of years ago and I am sure I still have photos of some of the set-ups I used to carry out the various necessary machining operations involved. If you have any queries about that, let me know and I can scan the photos and email them on to you.

              Alastair Sinclair

              Rik Shaw

                Because of recent workshop relocation and other stuff I have not been able to make any progress on my Double Tangye build. I have, more or less, got myself organised enough to make a start so into the shop this morn and machined the 450 angled crankshaft bearing cap mounts on the two standards with a fly cutter.


                fly cutting.jpg


                Just a matter of removing a little at a time until the scribed line comes central over the length of the pad.


                centre line.jpg


                I must admit that working out how to do this took much longer than the machining itself. If you look at the first pic you can maybe see that the finish machined cylinder mount faces are up against an angle plate "register" clocked square to the mill bed. This ensures that the dimensions from said faces to the centre lines on the angled pads are equal.



                Next job (easy) is to drill and ream a couple of holes through the base of both standards and into the base casting to take a couple of dowels. I need to remove the standards for further work and this ensures they will go back in the right place.



                Edited By Rik Shaw on 27/02/2015 15:12:25


                  Please forgive me one and all, BUT what on earth is a Double Tangye?????????


                    Two singles on the same bed platewink 2

                    Double high pressure horizontal steam engine base on one built by Tangye of Birmingham

                    Edited By JasonB on 27/02/2015 16:10:27

                    Rik Shaw

                      Thanks Jason – I can understand his confusion – it sounds like a dance to me! I can't tell a Wallis from a Tangye neither. teeth 2


                      nigel jones 5

                        …it was rather boring! Did it actually take any metal off, looks like no swarf in video (I know its not a real video, they went out in the 70s !!)

                        Rik Shaw

                          Fizz – course its boring. Its a challenge to make an interesting film of someone making a small hole bigger and I obviously failed to rise to the the nature of the subject. Sincere apologies for wasting your time.


                          Michael Gilligan
                            Posted by fizzy on 27/02/2015 19:18:13:

                            (I know its not a real video, they went out in the 70s !!)


                            No … that was the Video Cassette Recorder

                            Video, and video recording, are alive and well. cheeky

                            MichaelG. [in Pedants' Corner]

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