Having partially machined the pair of standards it was time today to do the job I have been putting of for weeks and that was to machine the cylinder mounting flanges but more particularly, the rear of the flanges indicated at "A" this being necessary because the cylinder retaining nuts need to sit square on the back of the flange and also the rough casting would not allow space for the 6BA nuts.
So having previously bored the standards to take the crossheads I used the same mandrel to mount the first standard to the chucked rotary table on the milling machine. I used a small end mill to reduce the casting diameter to allow space for the nuts and used the same end mill to face the rear of the flange.
This still left the area on the underside of the flange un-machined due to the corners of the casting foot "B" fouling the collet holder. I had no choice other than to "peck" it out with the end mill and finish with a small square file.
My die grinder smoothed out the step left by the end mill. I admit it does not look to pretty at the mo but when the painting has been done I am sure it will look OK.
I know that Jo on another forum used the same method to do the rear of her flanges and she was not relishing the prospect. If she's reading this I know the feeling Jo – a pig of a job.