Motorbike I built………….


Motorbike I built………….

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    Involute Curve

      This is the bike I built………

      Link to site with more photos, drawings and build details


      Edited By JasonB on 04/10/2013 20:12:25

      Involute Curve

        All parts made in a 17′ x 17′ workshop


          I was in two minds to approve this first post as its not a model but its very good which is a positive thing and may make a change from discussing the forum issues.

          J (Mod)

          Michael Gilligan


            I, for one, am very glad you did approve it

            It may not be "a model", but it's certainly a model piece of engineering !!


            Jeff Dayman

              Lots of custom work in that rear set and seat support, and the swingarm looks custom – never seen one quite like it. Very well done. I'd rather see this sort of custom machining content than seeing constant bickering in the forums or fancy cars on the MEW cover a while ago.

              I don't recognize the engine – anyone know what it is from? (or is it custom too?)


              Clive Hartland

                I have seen some of his work before, he makes everything himself using CNC machinery in his shed.

                High quality work indeed, i wish I had half his skill and ability and his machines. I would like to think the engine is custom made, perhaps he would enlighten us with a few more details.


                Michael Gilligan
                  Posted by Jeff Dayman on 04/10/2013 21:04:23:

                  I don't recognize the engine – anyone know what it is from? (or is it custom too?)



                  Yamaha MT-01

                  see here



                    Think it's out of a Yamaha MT-01 so 1670cc

                    Edit, you read to the bottom of his build page quicker than me!

                    Edited By JasonB on 04/10/2013 22:12:53

                    Involute Curve

                      To be completely honest, I had sort of lost touch with the model world, mostly because of all the bickering over silly stuff,
                      "this thread is better than that thread or imperial is better than metric"
                      who cares, I use my own sometime if it works it will do, ( I can here the armchair engineers attempting to rise from there ruts, to hang me but will it be metric or imperial rope,) all this stuff became a distraction so I stopped reading all that rubbish and and got on with it, doing stuff!, making things, "its fun", and if you've read the bike build, you know I needed some respite.
                      Anyhow I came across the link to these forums whist deleting old links on my computer so I thought Id have a look to see what you lot are making and it occurred to me you might be interested in seeing some of my work, and yes I still build models but some are in 1 to 1 scale, I think most clocks fit this scale, can time be scaled? perhaps with age, or the passing of time ……….
                      My passion remains bikes but I love anything mechanical, I have a part finished 9F 5 inch gauge, which I will finish in time, and other stuff I play with, some fly some go fast, some go slow and sink, and others just tick, but they all make me smile most of the time……………………..

                      What did you make this year and most importantly did you have fun trying!!!

                      Comment questions and criticisms, are always welcome.



                      Involute Curve

                        ohh yes it is an MT-01 engine, although much modified……… and its loud "very"

                        Ian S C

                          I call it model engineering; scale 12" : foot, nice looking bike. Ian S C

                          Alan Jackson

                            Thank you for your post Shaun, I read all through your Barbarian build and you have my greatest admiration, more power to you


                            Sub Mandrel

                              As many readers of MEW modify or restore road vehicles (or even build them, I see), their work should be welcome here.


                              Involute Curve

                                Incidentally all the CNC stuff was done with Mach, which I'm sure some of you use, all the turning is manual and also some of the milling, the rest is done with hand tools………. the next bike is more high tech, but I will still be using the same tools


                                Andrew Evans

                                  Amazing piece of work Shaun, well done. I'm surprised you did it in as little as 3 years. I have nothing but admiration and respect for the skill and determination it must have taken to achieve this.

                                  Boiler Bri

                                    Well doen Shaun and welcome on to the forum.

                                    'To be completely honest, I had sort of lost touch with the model world, mostly because of all the bickering over silly stuff'

                                    TAKE note Jason.


                                    ronan walsh

                                      That bike looks great shaun, its a credit to you. I sort of agree with you shaun, too many people in the worlds of home engineering and old bikes (the only hobby's i am interested in) are the sort you would run a mile from in real life, the anally retentative know all types – "oooh , your magneto lead clip is nickle plated when they were chrome plated for 1956" type bores.

                                      For this reason i keep my distance from clubs and certain websites. This one isn't too bad.


                                        As a lover of models and full size motorcycles it is a welcome change.

                                        Speed is my passion in all mechanical things so do not be put off by any derogatory remarks that might be forthcoming?

                                        As an American magazine editor replied to me about my enquiry about a high-speed steam engine cam-timing problem one of his comments many self-important trolls lie in wait.


                                        bob gould

                                          Wow. I'm awe struck

                                          bob gould

                                            I'm a biker myself. How does it ride? It looks like the ultimate street machine. I would buy this design if it was commercially available

                                            Involute Curve

                                              Don't get me wrong I don't care if someone doesn't like my work or methods, I build the bikes for me, I welcome criticism from better or more experienced people than me, this is how we learn, however from my experience not just in engineering, I find that those who criticise others easily actually achieve the least in actual output, but they do tend to rise through the ranks, I think its because they have great ambition, but cant do it them selves, so they do it on the backs of others, and these types subconsciously support each other, that's why dick heads run the world.

                                              Rant over

                                              Considering the rake the bike actually handles better than I thought it would and is great fun to ride, id describe it as a cruiser with attitude, I've actually just got back from Whitby, went there on the bike this morning for breakfast, whilst the good weather lasts…….


                                              Andrew Evans

                                                It was a beautiful morning in North Yorkshire, just got back from a walk myself.

                                                I would be interested in how you feel about using the bike and leaving it parked up in a public place. Are there any concerns about scratches , wear and tear etc. considering how much effort has gone into building it?

                                                Involute Curve
                                                  Posted by Andrew Evans on 06/10/2013 15:35:02:

                                                  It was a beautiful morning in North Yorkshire, just got back from a walk myself.

                                                  I would be interested in how you feel about using the bike and leaving it parked up in a public place. Are there any concerns about scratches , wear and tear etc. considering how much effort has gone into building it?

                                                  Hiya Andrew, it sure was, this year is the best summer I can remember for years.

                                                  I built the bike to ride, so that's what I do, although I don't go out in the rain I have been caught out in it once or twice, the clean up takes ages, with regards to scratches etc it will happen, in fact it once fell over in the workshop, the tank took the brunt of the impact, as it crashed against the Clarkson tool and cutter grinder, and just two days before a photo shoot, I had to cut a hole in the bottom to repair it, then repaint it overnight, it was my own fault rushing to move the bike and not checking the stands locked down, but the scariest thing is when riding on motorways other vehicles often come very very close trying to see what it is, but I never have trouble finding it, I just look for the crowd and not just bikers all sorts, I then have to spend ages cleaning all the fingermarks of it once home, but I don't mind really, its just part of it I suppose.


                                                  ronan walsh
                                                    Posted by Invoute Curve on 06/10/2013 13:14:12:

                                                    I find that those who criticise others easily actually achieve the least in actual output, but they do tend to rise through the ranks, I think its because they have great ambition, but cant do it them selves, so they do it on the backs of others, and these types subconsciously support each other, that's why dick heads run the world.


                                                    I have found much the same, or some people who get "kicked upstairs" are those who have not got hands to bless themselves, one guy i worked with drilled a hole right through the middle of the palm of his hand through sheer stupidity, a few weeks later he was made a foreman or supervisor or something equally meaningless. When i asked how this could happen i was told he could do less damage off the shopfloor.

                                                    Andrew Evans

                                                      Thanks Shaun. I will keep an eye out for it on the roads of Yorkshire – but keep my distance if I see it


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