Most Ultrasonics have heaters fitted under the tank and if there is any burn through then if you are using volatiles it will vapourize and ignite.
I would not want to be around if one did!
Micro as such is an Ammonia based liquid with inhibitors and is biodegradable which is quite important to a lot of people.
Prior to placing parts in the Micro we wash them in White spirit and then wash in detergent (Washing up Liq.) hot rinse and into the Ultrasonic machine for an average of about 3 to 4 minutes.
Obviously we scrub the parts with an old tooth brush and get rid of as much detritus and oil and grease as we can.
Upon completion we again hot water rinse and use an air line to remove as much water as possible and then use a heat gun to dry the parts.
You can put glass and plastic into the Micro, the only thing that does suffer is the shielding that is sometimes put on the inside of plastic to stop RF breakthrough. Glass lenses and prisms I only allow max. 1 minute or just 30sec. in the ultrasonic.
PC boards can be put in to remove moisture residue if the board has been subject to water ingress. Blow off as much as you can and then warm gently for a while before testing/use.