More a gadgets thread I suppose
I’ve had a few wind up torches which have been…kinda ok but nothing impressive but tonight i was at a friends when I had to go and find the dogs in the garden
So I got handed this dogchewed windup torch which was a nice solid rubber/plastic QVC unit which was dead, and spent a few seconds winding some power into it
When I went outside it lit up the whole damn garden, it was a gadgeteers dream unit, lasted for ages too
It doesn’t matter if your electricity gets cut off for a week or you’re away camping or scrabbling about in some dark corner of the garage or garden or the car breaks down in the middle of the highlands at midnight.
You’ve got a really good bright light “forever”, they really do have these things sorted out now.
When I got home I bought one instantly
A few manufacturers sell them, Baylis and TCL to name two
it has 5 LEDs
self winding maxi pro torch
Prices are highly variable so search about
You could quite happily go and live in the jungle or the Sahara for a year with this kinda gear, torch batteries are finally truly obsolete