Posted by Ian Hewson on 19/12/2011 18:16:11:
Hi Martin
Sorry, but I don’t have the time to reply to that one, but try reading the thread on poor Windows problems.
Why don’t YOU try reading the Apple problems?
Every computer system, every make of car, every religion etc, has its own band of loyal followers, disgruntled users, and every shade of opinion in between. It a pretty basic fact of life that there are more negative comments then positive ones on forums, user groups, and the web in general. Basically you have to use your own judgement in drawing conclusions from opinions gleaned from the internet.
This is not the right forum to discuss the merits of Apple v Microsoft, but, since you brought it up I have to say truthfully that I am no fan of Apple. I held them in high regard until I started using the iPad (it was a present). I wont go into details about how many times I installed/removed iTunes, including reformatting my HD, The iPad itself was replaced after I spent 2 whole days trying to get it to work mostly following the (absolutely excellent) Apple support. Exchanging it involved a 50 mile round trip to an Applestore. It now works but is only partly functional because I do not want to ever connect it to iTunes!
Having said all that, its beautifully designed and made, its very very good at what it is good at (instant ON web browsing), also If the owner of an iPad has Mac, and iPhone, and an iTouch they work seamlessly together but the iPad on its own useless.
Prior to getting the iPad I had never had reason to Google for ‘iPad problems’, now I don’t want to. Even Apples’s own forums are full of users with problems and complaints. Unfortunately for Apple users they have less places to turn to for help and assistance as there are just less sources because the user base is smaller than Windows.
I started this thread originally with reference to an iPad, it could just have equally been an Android or Windows pad as I am sure some of those must contain magnets.
The single biggest disadvantage with Apple kit from my engineering point of view is the lack of connectivity to external (non computer) equipment and limited range of technical software. When someone brings out a DRO system (for example) on a Mac I might look again.
Ian Phillips