iPad in the workshop, something to bear in mind!


iPad in the workshop, something to bear in mind!

Home Forums Hints And Tips for model engineers iPad in the workshop, something to bear in mind!

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    Ian P
      Its not a big deal, but just something to be aware of is the fact that there are several magnets inside the iPad casing and if you put it down on the bench, or in my case on a rag, swarf and iron filings will get attracted.
      I put it on the rag because I thought it was better than direct on the bench, but forgot I had used the cloth to clean off a machined part, the magnets have a better grip than the oily fibres.
      Ian P

          Well Ian that’s useful information but my wife and I have just bought one as a “joint” Xmas present. I can’t prise it away from her.
          Oh she needs it back now!



          John McNamara
            I pad in the workshop???
            A younger member of my family is 3 screens down (one from when a dog thought it was a doggy chew), he is also an active sportsman. One little slip and a very expensive repair. the glass is about a mm thick.
            So in the workshop a no no for me.
              Just out of curiosity why would you use an IPad in the workshop, my delight is getting into the workshop and getting away from all of that stuff. wife watching telly grandkids when they are round on computer games. Rest all trying to empty my drinks cabinet, went to Sandown last week with one of them and guess what he bought a computer game.
              Merry Christmas to all
                Hi Bob,
                I don’t use an iPad but I do use an iPod Touch which is a bit like an iPhone but without the phone!
                What do I use it for? Well not for games that’s sure but I like the calculator, I have many useful conversion tables and data tables, and best of all an App (application) – here – which basically turns the iPod Touch into an accurate level – 0.1degree – which operates as both a clinometer and a bubble level, and at 49 pence is much cheaper than an equivalent digital level (as mentioned in a recent article) with similar accuracy, but the App has more functions and better graphics and can be used on the iPad or iPhone. There is also an iSetsquare app which is also quite useful.
                Before the moaning minnies get all hot and bothered about the cost of the iPod I’d just like to point out that I can also keep an enormous amount of my favourite music to listen to when I get fed up with radio 4 and 5 live. The device was bought 2nd hand about 4 years ago for approx the cost of the aforementioned digital level and I have a lot of other uses for it.
                I keep it in my overall top pocket so no problem with iron filings – yet! And of course, when bored I can also play a game or two .
                Update, the clinometer app is now free for a limited time from the link above.
                Bubble level-

                Best regards

                Edited By Terryd on 19/12/2011 08:18:36

                John Stevenson 1
                  You can get the same app free for most smart phones and at least they also work as a phone.
                  John S.
                  Anthony Gibson
                    I want to write an App but need inspiration!!! What would people find useful and I will give it a go.
                    There are already some engineering calculators but always room for new ones.
                    sorry for the thread hijack
                    Eric Cox
                      For people without a rotary table how about a calculator for PCD co-ordinates.
                      Input the number of holes, the PCD and the app shows the amount the X and Y axis have to be moved from one hole position to the next.
                      Les Jones 1
                        Hi Anthony,
                        Some time ago I wondered if it would be possible to use one of the cheaper tablets a the user interface for a DRO. At the time I was thinking of a way to make something like the Shumatech DRO350 or DRO550 but with a four line display. I was thinking that an external PIC or Atmel micro could convert the scale outputs to serial data. (The same way as the Yadro DRO works.) I do not think any of the tablets have a serial interface but they may have usb or bluetooth interfaces which could be used to communicate with the scale interface micro. Another method I thought about later was to have the scale micro present the data as a web page (The way routers etc do.) but I do not have the skills to write that sort of code. I started thinking along these lines after modifying the DRO350 code to run on a PIC18 processor which gives room for expansion. (The existing PIC16F876 was at its limit.) This did not come to anything as Scott Shumate asked me not to distribute any modified code for the DRO350. I wonder what your thoughts are on these possibilities ? Maybe we should start a new thread on this subject.

                        Edited By Les Jones 1 on 19/12/2011 11:17:35

                        Ian P
                          Posted by Springbok on 19/12/2011 06:56:31:

                          Just out of curiosity why would you use an IPad in the workshop, my delight is getting into the workshop and getting away from all of that stuff. wife watching telly grandkids when they are round on computer games. Rest all trying to empty my drinks cabinet, went to Sandown last week with one of them and guess what he bought a computer game.
                          Merry Christmas to all
                          I have not actually used the iPad in the workshop, yet!
                          On the occasion I mentioned, I only took in to the workshop because I was passing through it.
                          In my opinion, the iPad (as it is sold) is very ‘user unfriendly’. As a product it is beautifully manufactured but its slippery and delicate, so very difficult to hold comfortably. When I first got mine using it was dictated by having to be in a situation where there was somewhere to put it down. In use it can only really be held by the edges and if fingers wrap round too far and touch the screen they get seen as an input signal!
                          There are a multitude of after market covers and cases that both protect the iPad and also become ‘stands’ to tilt the screen etc.
                          IMHO Its pretty poor of Apple not to supply some protection as standard!
                          Ian P
                            Posted by Les Jones 1 on 19/12/2011 11:16:23:

                            Hi Anthony,
                            Some time ago I wondered if it would be possible to use one of the cheaper tablets a the user interface for a DRO. At the time I was thinking of a way to make something like the Shumatech DRO350 or DRO550 but with a four line display. I was thinking that an external PIC or Atmel micro could convert the scale outputs to serial data. (The same way as the Yadro DRO works.) I do not think any of the tablets have a serial interface but they may have usb or bluetooth interfaces which could be used to communicate with the scale interface micro. Another method I thought about later was to have the scale micro present the data as a web page (The way routers etc do.) but I do not have the skills to write that sort of code. I started thinking along these lines after modifying the DRO350 code to run on a PIC18 processor which gives room for expansion. (The existing PIC16F876 was at its limit.) This did not come to anything as Scott Shumate asked me not to distribute any modified code for the DRO350. I wonder what your thoughts are on these possibilities ? Maybe we should start a new thread on this subject.

                            Edited By Les Jones 1 on 19/12/2011 11:17:35

                            Something along the lines you discussed is definitely a good idea. One tablet/pad device that is definitely not suitable though, is the iPad. Its OK for what it is intended for but its one connector only really works with devices they Apple approve of!
                            These days the life and availability of a product can be quite short, if someone does develop a pad based DRO interface or whatever it has to be device independent.
                            My vote would be for an Android based device.
                            Les Jones 1
                              Hi Ian,
                              I think the iPad would be out on cost as well as the fact that it does not run the android operating system (Which I believe is a flavour of Linux.) I was thinking that a cheap tablet would basically be a ready made display and perform the calculating functions just like the Yadro uses an old laptop running DOS. I am surprised no one has written an application to run under windows to work with the Yadro system. Possibly using visual basic or “C” The current series of articles in the “EPE” magazine (Originally in the “Silicon Chip” magazine.) gave me the idea of the webpage interface. Using the webpage interface idea would mean that the microprocessor had to do all of the calculations.
                                I agree the iPAD needs a cover. I bought the one called “SNUGG” (via Amazon) – not cheap but then neither is the iPad! I think it is worth the money – it provides a fair degree of protection, has magnets in the cover which switch the pad on and off when the flap is opened and has a facility to fold the cover back to make a stand . In addition there is a strap to put your hand in if you wish to use the pad whilst you are carrying it around.
                                Would I use it in the workshop ( if I could prise it away from my wife!) ? Probably not. I have my old XP windows pc out there which has lots of spreadsheets for various calculating and stock / tool etc “finding” functions. It has wireless connection to my router which enables me to order “stuff” and access all those words of wisdom from you guys.
                                The real beauty of the iPad is it’s instant “ON” which enables me to sit in my armchair ( watching TV, reading a book – even supping the occasional beer! ) and in a moment access pretty much any information I want from the internet. The downside is that it ‘aint cheap – hence the combined xmas gift for the boss and me.
                                Thanks for the “heads -up” on the clinometer app – very impressive. ( Although I do have a precision level already)

                                Edited By NJH on 19/12/2011 13:30:12

                                Edited By NJH on 19/12/2011 13:31:15

                                Ian P
                                  Posted by Les Jones 1 on 19/12/2011 11:16:23:

                                  Hi Anthony,
                                  Some time ago I wondered if it would be possible to use one of the cheaper tablets a the —
                                  —possibilities ? Maybe we should start a new thread on this subject.

                                  Edited By Les Jones 1 on 19/12/2011 11:17:35

                                  There is plenty of demand for a more/another DRO system and an interface that would work with a choice of hardware is very appealing.
                                  I suppose it would be better to discuss this topic in an electronics forum rather than a mechanical engineering one?
                                  Gordon W
                                    Wots an Ipad?
                                    Ian Hewson
                                      Hi Terry
                                      Thanks for the tip of the free level, just downloaded it.
                                      Only for ipad at the moment though, says itouch and iphone app being worked on at present.
                                      Thought I had got on to another “”we hate Apple site, although we have never used one”
                                      never mind though, I use and love Apple, gave up Windoze years ago.
                                        Posted by Ian Hewson on 19/12/2011 16:54:14:

                                        …Thought I had got on to another “”we hate Apple site, although we have never used one”
                                        never mind though, I use and love Apple, gave up Windoze years ago.
                                        I’m very happy with Windows too. It does everything I need, from music, video, photography, internet, DTP and CAD/CAM – you name and there’s a huge range of programs to choose from including thousands of free ones.
                                        No cost updates and bug fixes for the life of the product as well, so for around about £70 for the operating system, it seems like a pretty good deal to me.
                                        What can Apple give me that is better?
                                        Edit: I also use it to control CNC lathes and milling machines etc.

                                        Edited By blowlamp on 19/12/2011 17:36:35

                                        Edited By blowlamp on 19/12/2011 17:39:37

                                        Ian Hewson
                                          Hi Martin
                                          It works!!
                                            OK then Ian, I’ll bite – what doesn’t work in Windows?
                                            Ian Hewson

                                              Hi Martin
                                              Sorry, but I don’t have the time to reply to that one, but try reading the thread on poor Windows problems.

                                                Posted by Ian Hewson on 19/12/2011 18:16:11:
                                                Hi Martin
                                                Sorry, but I don’t have the time to reply to that one, but try reading the thread on poor Windows problems.
                                                There’s no point in me doing that Ian, because Windows works well for me.
                                                I was just hoping you could substantiate your remarks.
                                                Ian P
                                                  Posted by Ian Hewson on 19/12/2011 18:16:11:
                                                  Hi Martin
                                                  Sorry, but I don’t have the time to reply to that one, but try reading the thread on poor Windows problems.
                                                  Why don’t YOU try reading the Apple problems?
                                                  Every computer system, every make of car, every religion etc, has its own band of loyal followers, disgruntled users, and every shade of opinion in between. It a pretty basic fact of life that there are more negative comments then positive ones on forums, user groups, and the web in general. Basically you have to use your own judgement in drawing conclusions from opinions gleaned from the internet.
                                                  This is not the right forum to discuss the merits of Apple v Microsoft, but, since you brought it up I have to say truthfully that I am no fan of Apple. I held them in high regard until I started using the iPad (it was a present). I wont go into details about how many times I installed/removed iTunes, including reformatting my HD, The iPad itself was replaced after I spent 2 whole days trying to get it to work mostly following the (absolutely excellent) Apple support. Exchanging it involved a 50 mile round trip to an Applestore. It now works but is only partly functional because I do not want to ever connect it to iTunes!
                                                  Having said all that, its beautifully designed and made, its very very good at what it is good at (instant ON web browsing), also If the owner of an iPad has Mac, and iPhone, and an iTouch they work seamlessly together but the iPad on its own useless.
                                                  Prior to getting the iPad I had never had reason to Google for ‘iPad problems’, now I don’t want to. Even Apples’s own forums are full of users with problems and complaints. Unfortunately for Apple users they have less places to turn to for help and assistance as there are just less sources because the user base is smaller than Windows.
                                                  I started this thread originally with reference to an iPad, it could just have equally been an Android or Windows pad as I am sure some of those must contain magnets.
                                                  The single biggest disadvantage with Apple kit from my engineering point of view is the lack of connectivity to external (non computer) equipment and limited range of technical software. When someone brings out a DRO system (for example) on a Mac I might look again.
                                                  Ian Phillips
                                                  Ian Hewson
                                                    Sorry you have had problems, I started using Apple in 1995 and have never looked back.
                                                    I use imacs, ipod s, I phone and an ipad, paid for with my hard earned cash.
                                                    I can honestly say that I would not go back Windoze again.
                                                    People know I like computers and I am often asked for my advice on PC problems, never on Mac ones.
                                                    I did not start this line of correspondence, but it doe’s make me mad when people who have not used Mac’s denigrate them.
                                                      All this technology!
                                                      At 51 I feel positively ancient! I use lathes that were made when the nearest thing to a computer was the Royal Navy Fire Control Table that took 6 men to operate.
                                                      I downloaded a freeware CAD programme but I’m buggered if I can see how to make it work. I got bored with it so went out into the shed to turn some metal
                                                      I’m off back under my log
                                                      (All in jest because there is no laughing emoticon)
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