Hi All,
Like many others, I have contemplated the Harold Hall rest, but found that it is simply too high for my 6 inch grinder, mounted directly on a small shelf.
Also, a pretty complicated device for those of us not looking to do such sophisticated activity.
So, after much head-scratching, decided to make something small, simple and notwithstanding pretty much adjustable every which way.
The real breakthrough was the suction cup – which removed the major source of hassle about how to mount it on the shelf. Obviously only works with a flat surface, but for those of you without, my first thought (before I spotted the strong suction cup in MSCJ&L) was to use a magnetic stand, and simply rebate a sheet of steel into the shelf.
See the photos in my album Simple Grinding Rest.
Happy to take any questions!
Edited By RJKflyer on 12/11/2011 16:46:44
Edited By RJKflyer on 12/11/2011 16:47:11