Thanks for the advice gentlemen.
It's for something to do with renovating a harpsichord. The grooves that are important to retain the parts in wood so it doesn't need to be a screw in thread. The pieces need to be straight too, the ones that came out certainly aren't. I found the M2 studding last year. Acceptable then but considered oversize now the man comes to do the job.
After further searching it looks like 1.4 mm steel rod can be got from Hobby Holidays at about 50 pence a foot so I'll probably go with that. Tracy Tools have dies at £18 each so sticker shock shouldn't give him a heart attack.
Thread depth is 0.15 mm so I guess I'd need 1.25 mm steel rod to start with which seems pretty unlikely. Translates to 0.049" which is near enough 18 gauge (0.048" ) so thread rolling is possible if suitable material can be found.
No luck at component-shop, nearest kirschner wires from UK suppliers appear to be 1.2 mm which may not be enough to thread roll. Fascinating how much stuff I didn't know about can be found by asking here.
Edited By Clive Foster on 01/04/2022 22:36:19