Hi – Can anyone suggest a possible source of Belzona Molecular "Fluid Metal" sold as a two part system for mixing and curing to a form a solid metal compound. Although rather old I have a decent stock of the Base component Product Code 619 but have completely run out of the Solidifier component Product Code 722. All suggestions most welcomed
Good grief I didn’t know they were still in business. I last used their products in about 1976 and haven’t heard their name since despite being in the same area of work ever since!
Blimey, that's a blast from the past. Clearly you've tried "Mr Google" without success. I'm sure there are a number of similar products on the market these days. Devcon is another similar product, but probably as old as Belzona.
Yes, my tins of the stuff have been on the shelf for some years. Belzona is still available in various forms and there is currently a supplier on ebay selling a two part product type reference 1221. Just wondering whether the 1221 Solidifier would be the answer to my problem
Problem solved – Have now purchased and experiment with the Part B Epoxy Hardener from a standard two tube epoxy adhesive pack sold for use about the home and can report total success! Costs incidently have been minimal as there are a lot of very good offers out there.