FMES – The MoD's ban may have been for technical reasons not connected with anything that would worry "the general public".
WD-40 is what the initials mean: "Water Dispersant (or Displacer?)". Despite the waffle on its cans, that is its best purpose, but you can also use it as an oil-dispersant for cleaning, .e.g miniature locos after running them, and as a cutting lubricant for aluminium. It is not very effective as a lubricant, nor as a penetrating-oil.
Plus-Gas is a long-established, well-tried penetrating oil. That is what is made for, nothing else.
It's better to buy materials like these in bulk tins rather than spray cans, but for covering areas you can use them in a salvaged, manual aerosol sprayer bought wrapped around a kitchen cleanser. (NB: The "aerosol" is the spray, not the spraying method!).
For point application, to minimise waste use a small paint-brush, wooden spill, the ink-tube from an exhausted ball-point pen (as a pipette), or similar. I've even used a twig.
Slightly digressing, the kitchen and bathroom also supplies potentially useful pumps, on liquid-soap bottles, that will draw off liquids in 5-litre tins whose spouts are designed to spread more of their contents over the surroundings as they pour into the container you use with the brush!