As previously mentioned the sheet is 1220 x 1220 mm. I will use 20 thou material if I can get it otherwise 32 thou which I can get locally. Some thin plastics are 5 times the price of paxolin. I need to cut strips off it 1220 mm long and various widths,the widest being 104 mm and the narrowest 46 mm..
I could then stack to cut these long strips or cut individually to give widths between 65 and 141 mm. I would then have a number of rectangular pieces the smallest being 65 x 65 and the largest 104 x 141 mm.
The pieces then need 3/32" holes in them. The largest piece would have 165 holes 3/8" apart in all directions but only 1/8" from from the edge.. This is not a commercial operation and I have only one sheet to do. As regards a different material it needs stiffness and many plastics do not seem to be available so thin and surely blow moulding plastics would be floppy.
I do know the originals were punched way back in the 1930s of which I have no experience (thats both punching and the 1930s). Would a flat ended 3/32" silver steel punch work or would it need to be hollowed out to give an edge? If I make a steel plate with all the holes in I would then perhaps have the option of drilling or punching one hole at a time. I suspect though that whilst a could drill a few at once in a stack they would have to be punched one piece at a time. I suspect also for punching I would also need a guide plate top and bottom.
Laser cutting and drilling sounds interesting but I expect prohibitively expensive
I will send a further post if I can with a scan of the finished product but I need to shut down my computer before I can fire up my Scusi scanner
Thank you all
Regards Steve