Posted by Adam Harris on 04/10/2018 16:57:19:
It is a small affair for a small Aciera F3 – finished article requires starting with a min billet size 21" long x 5" wide x 6" tall.
Might be a small affair for you Adam, but a billet that size will weigh about 90kg (200lbs). Too much for me to lift even when I was young and fit. (As for lifting it today, youth, beauty and physical fitness all deserted me back when we still had £sd.)
Do you know what load the bracket is expected to take? Might indicate something high-tensile is needed. Also, if the load puts the finished bracket in tension it might not be a good idea to use cast iron, though I confess I don't know what that part of a horizontal mill is normally made of and could be talking rubbish.
How much wear and tear expected on the dovetails? Mild steel may be a bit soft, although it could be case hardened.
Tasty project – good luck with it.
Edit: apologies, I see others have made the same point about weight. I must learn to type faster.
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 04/10/2018 17:35:25