Not too off-topic I hope but several years ago my neighbours got a new piano and advertised their old upright for sale. Sadly, there were no takers so I eventually volunteered to take it off their hands and dismantle it for the materials.
It had a cast iron frame. I still have some of that in my stash some 45 years later. It machines beautifully. Its cross-section tempts one to cut a suitable length and transform it into the base/frame of an engineer's level but I already have one of those!
The cast iron frame was supported by a frame of 5" x 4" white pine, no knots to be seen anywhere. I carried that with me through several house moves and carefully kept it in dry storage. I never found a use for it so I gave it to a wood-working friend a couple of years ago. I did early-on use the board that supported the tuning pins, that is beech and forms the front apron of my wood-working bench.
The carcase was veneered poplar, not much re-purposing potential there, and the piano wire strings, once removed, were difficult to store. I don't remember what happened to the keyboard.
Please don't label me 'philistine' or 'vandal', we did all try really really hard to find a musical home for that piano!
Best regards,
Swarf, Mostly!