Oh dear, lots of comments since I typed that.
Titebond and hide glue are a bit too much faff. I rather like using Gorilla glue as it does fill gaps a bit better than PVA, I just haven't got much experience with it.
The basic issue is that it needs to look nice (as a display unit) while still being usable as a 'flight case', so external brackets are not ideal.
12mm is the absolute thickest it can go to keep the weight down; mdf will be no good it will get wet by design although it won't be left out in the weather.
I was going to use WPBP exterior ply, as used on boats, rather than plain hardwood (birch I assume) ply.
After reading more comments, I think finger joints will be best, but I will need to make some sort of jig.
It will have a lid (actually an inset shelf) that will add stiffness.