This is a true story and on an old hard drive [ long gone] I used to have the source of the tale below and I would love to get this again if anyone can help.
Pre war, WWII that is every supplier of steel had their own grades.
As soon as war started, it became obvious that something had to be done as the same parts were being manufactured by different companies all over England and so used different suppliers.
Some bright bod in the Ministry of Supply worked this out and a meeting was called in a hotel at Scarborough of the heads of the main steel companies.
When they got there they were led into a conference room, given tea and sandwiches then told they needed to thrash out a new standard they could all work to. As an added incentive they were locked in and told they could come out when they had finished. History doesn't tell us how long this meeting lasted but the result was that until the end of the war everyone would use the same standard called EN which stood for Emergency Number.
This then carried on after tha war until we adopted that abomination of a new standard we have today which is given lip service at the supply level.
You ring my supplier up and say have you got any 55mm BS45M xxxxxxx and he says "Oh you mean EN8 " !!