Hi Windy, putting in a joggle probably not the best idea, its a pretty tough and not very ductile material, better to do it with heat but there again it depends on how big a joggle and how close together you want the bends? If you do try it cold it depends on the final use–heat treated or left soft? If to be left soft it would be wise to normalise the component.
Form tools, yes it works I have used it in the past but only on softer steels, you would have to run quite slow with plenty of coolant to avoid overheating.
Heat treatment, depends on the size of the tool [x section] you may well be able to use a torch providing it is big enough to get the tool [cutting end] to the correct temperature and quench in oil, temper VERY carefully to a very pale straw and heat slowly. Also make sure you are in daylight when tempering do not try to do it in artificial light the colours are not correct.
Regards John