Tool post grinding


Tool post grinding

Home Forums General Questions Tool post grinding

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  • #505158
    john halfpenny

      Today''s project was a tool post holder for my Dremel, in case I have need. My inclination would be maximum peripheral speed if grinding a diameter held in the lathe chuck. So Dremel and lathe at max speed in the same direction of rotation. Or is there a better approach? BTW, thread is 3/4 BSF.


      john halfpenny
        old mart

          You would need to do a few tests and select the combination that gave the best finish. I have only done internal TPG on chuck jaws, which are an interrupted cut, so the lathe spindle was running quite slow. I now have a long shank pneumatic die grinder which has performed very well.


          Nigel Graham 2

            I would think that for maximum cutting speed along the line of contact the work and wheel need move in opposite directions, so assuming the lathe revolving in normal forwards direction, the grinder will need to be in front or behind the work-piece according to its own direction of rotation, and whether external or internal grinding.

            Essentially if the work-piece surface is descending the grinder surface is ascending, and vice-versa, at the contact; so the cutting speed is the sum of the two surface speeds.

            That is for continuous cuts, not interrupted such as in the case Old Mart describes.

            john halfpenny

              I agree, and that is what I described Nigel. Same direction of rotation gives opposite relative direction at the contact point on a diameter, and hence max relative speed.

              David George 1

                Hi this is my attempt used to regrind chuck jaws. Set on center height but not set at a high speed for the chuck. You need to run the job at a speed to allow the grinder to work and not skim and not burn the job. I used a cheep high speed milling spindle mounted on toolpost adaptor.

                This is my YouTube video.


                Edited By David George 1 on 04/11/2020 06:30:27

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