I am building an Allchin at 3” scale and now trying to set up the slide valve but there seems to be some discrepancy, I would very much appreciate it if anyone can clarify whether I have some error.
Can anyone clarify the required width of the slide valve in relation to the inlet ports in the cylinder.
I have made everything to the 1.5" scale drawings (x2). Referring to the 3 staem ports milled in the cylinder, the outside dimension across the 2 inlet ports is 31.75mm. (1.25" )
The dimension across the slide valve is 40.48mm (1.59375" ) thus overlapping the inlet ports 4.365mm per side when the slide valve is in a central position.
However, the Allchin book says “Set the die block to the centre of the radial slot, and turn the flywheel slowly, watching the valve. At dead centre at each end, the edge of the inlet port should show a thin black line. In other words, it should be open to steam at either end just before the crank reaches dead centre.”
This indicates to me that the slide valve should be 31.75mm wide (less about 0.2mm) and not 40.48mm wide as per the drawings.
Am I missing something here, or do these very long established drawings really have such an error?
If the drawings are in error then this also questions what width the steam cavity on the underside of the slide valve should be in relation to the cylindre inlet/exhaust ports?
As this is the very first time I have built a steam cylinder valve arrangement I don’t have the experience to be sure what’s correct. I am in dis-belief that the drawings are wrong and sure there must be something I am not seeing.
Thanks for any guidance.
Edited By tractionengine42 on 10/08/2013 17:32:30
Edited By tractionengine42 on 10/08/2013 17:33:39
Edited By JasonB on 10/08/2013 18:08:59