Hi Jason,
Sorry for the slow reply.
Yes you are correct, deionised water is acidic as produced. It would require something to raise the pH to prevent corrison.
pH is the measure of the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration…
written as pH = – [log H+]. The scale runs 1 to 14, 7 being neutral, a decrease of 1 is 10 times more acidid, conversly an increase of 1 10 times less acidic.
Ok back to the orginal topic, de-scaling boilers, here goes….
Helment on standing behind protective walls
Industry uses some great acid to clean boilers, however they also have a lab & a bunch of guys to make sure the clean isnt over done. The concentration of acid is not high & is most likely inhibited to control the rate of clean. Monitoring of temperature, pH, iron, acid conc to name a few.
It is unlikely that many if any, yours turely as well, will have access to the equipment to do this. Beside which you would be very unlikey to get this acid, which if you get it on you likes to go looking for bone!!
So what can we use? I have asked a couple of guys who have done boiler cleans & they both say using citric acid for us is the way to go. As Hugh suggests warm it up, use say 5%, & keep it moving about in the boiler (easier said than done). IF you leave it in the boiler a bit long ( this is the hard bit) it wont eat the boiler before your eyes, as would be possible with sulphuric or hydrochloic acids. It may take a couple of washes, using new solution to remove the scale ( as was also pointed out hard or soft scale will take different times)
Jason posted a link to a company that can supply a boiler de-scaler which looks like it might be worth a go..anybody tried it?
It may be worth checking with your local council on what hardness water you have in your area, simple test does your soap form foam easily?
Most of us dont blow our boilers down during a days running, except at the end of the day, as you top up on the run you are cycling up the minerals in the boiler.
If you want to get into deionising your boiler feed then you only need to use a water softener, cation resin used in the sodium for, this will replace calcium & magnesium ions ( the predominant cations, plus a couple of others) with sodium. This produces a soft water with less likely hood of forming hard scale & then by adding something to raise the pH ( my suggestion would be trisodium phosphate, this can be used in both copper & steel, there are suppliers of boiler treatment for our size as well) make the upkeep of the boiler a lot easier. The cation resin is reuseable & is regenerated using common salt.
Cheers Kerrin