Hi all, I'd forgotten I'd signed on here, Heaven knows back when, but with my full sized car projects gone, I got back to wondering about making a working model engine, something I've always wanted to do.
I have some model aircraft and boats to do, but summer is a-going out and I tend to think of indoor projects.
I would prefer a 4 stroker and petrol powered, but would consider glow plug.
I have to work within the tools I have, which are:-
Peatol (Taig) lathe with decent three jaw chuck, vertical slide, indexing plate and a small (very) mill/drill attachment I made from a minidrill and what remained of a fax machine, which clamps in the vertical slide.
I don't have a milling machine and have little chance of getting one.
I am a pretty experienced silver solderer and filer of shapes, since I spent most of my working life as a producer of brass patterns for model kits.
Considering the above limitations, is there an engine on which I could cut my I/C teeth, that you would recommend?
Many thanks in anticipation.