That blob at 6 o'clock, could it be that? My theory says that it should be close to the first set of coils (not where the lead out wire are). this is based on the first wire goes around coil #1, then coil #4. . . the second wire goes to coil #2, then coil #5. . . wire number three goes to coil #3, then coil #6. So the ends of the wire must at the last coil, the last but one and the last but two. This should be close to coil #1, or where we came in.
Try picking out one lead out with a sharpi type marker, perhaps you can identify the start or ends of the sets of coils. A colour code would help, black, red and green or blue could be used for the input wires, then any sleeved long wire must go to aq coil or the star point.
If you consider the service of the motor, hot with vibrations, the leads must be supported really well, I am not confident that stripping away all the lacing then trying to replace it all would add to the reliability of the motor, so minimum modifications must be the way to go. Just remembered of some incidents at work, because of the internal temperature rise, the actual coils change shape and move about, just something else to fret about.