I am currently building the Redwing engine and have got to the flywheels. The keyway has to be broached but I don't have a proper broach and therefore have to use a square ended tool and 'plane' the metal away. The problem is the casting is so hard thet I struggle to take any metal off at all. I have made a cast iron plug to fit snugly into the centre and drilled through at the intersection, this removes most of the metal and I have now managed to get a decent square groove,
It occured to me that if one used a round key then all this fuss would be avoided – wouldn't it? I know one would have to use a round nosed cutter to mill the corresponding groove in the crankshaft but I reckon that's easier than broaching.
I bet there is something I have not realised so would someone please enlighten me?
Thanks, John