i have built a gardner from scratch and messed with 2 others to try and get them to run, this is a fun engine to build but a different story to get to run!
i made alot of changes to mine from the drawings to get it more to the real thing and to get it to run!!!
i built mine 4 years ago but last weekend i saw a friend of mine who has just built a gardner and i cant belive what he has done to it!
as jason says my mate has made a gas ring to go inside the hottube which is as it should be, the problem hes had is the engine will run fine on this ring untill he puts the cap on the chimney then the ring goes out and the engine stops not enough upward draft.
to over come this he bored the the chimney out as big as he could and put a stainless steel liner in and made the cap bigger problem solved.
the other thing robert has done is made the gas tap on the engine a dummy and brought a VERY fine needle valve from mapplins to have better control over the gas.
if anybody wants further information on this i will ask him.
from what ive learnt you have to have the tube red hot and i mean hot!
it would be a good idea to set the engine to run on a spark plug first so that when its running you will know the gas supply is correct for the engine and it will only need the tube setting up
best wishes jonathan
Edited By ronnie barker on 21/12/2010 19:13:16