You should be allright with a float carb if ETW is anything to go by,he says that floats have been used on motors down to 2 1/2cc,although not usually on less than 10 to 15cc.Personally I have made and fitted a very plain(crude) mixer ie just a venturi with a needle valve,only meassurements were the size and spacing of the studs on the inlet’it was /is fitted to a 3hp hit and miss open crank horizontal motor.The motor(full size) when bought had a Ford Model A carb that sort of worked,so we thought aplain venturi would look better,so the one described was made with he idea of making an improoved one,but it worked so well that its still on the motor about 10yrs on.The only thing I would change,I would make it out of brass,the one fitted is steel.The fuel tank is about6″-8″ below the carb,plenty of suction.Ian S C