GER T19 /Petrolea


GER T19 /Petrolea

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      Hi. Can anyone please point me in the direction of the correct colour scheme for such chassis parts as frames,inside frames, buffer beams, axles. running boards splashers etc for the above model. Also a current approximation of the GER blue forthe main details.

      Many thanks

      Brian ,


        Colour scheme

        Nicholas Farr

          Hi Brian, in L.B.S.C.'s notes he says the big sister was in Royal Blue and lined out in black and red, and the inside of the cab was a kind of buff, the inside of the frames being grey while the outside were black.The wheels were blue and the tyres black The smoke-box, chimney, running boards, tender top and cab roof were all black. The coupling-rod flutes and buffer beams were red along with the guard irons.

          Below is a link that may help you also.


          Below is a photo of GER E4 (T26) No. 490 that I took at Bressingham Steam Museum back in the mid 90's, it doesn't give the colour true justice but should give you a reasonable idea. I believe most of the GER engines of this period had much the same livery.

          General View of No. 490

          There are some close ups and one of the inside of the cab in my GER E4 (T26) No. 490 album.

          Regards Nick.

          Edited By Nicholas Farr on 05/06/2012 17:46:50

          Brian Baker 2

            Greetings Brian,

            Precision Paints produce "Livery Data Sheets" which are a comprensive guide to corrct loco liveries.

            they have one for GER Claud Hamilton, and you "Petrolea" would be almost the same.

            The Great Eastern Railway Society can also provide a lot of information.




              Thank you both for the very helpful info & links. The photos are especially helpful. I willhave to pay a visit to Bressingham but its a long old drag from North Wales!!

              Kind regards

              Brian K

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