Rethink. I had thought initially this was about the usual sort of problem like valve gear hitting something or mistake on dimension on a major project like a locomotive..
However I do believe some plans are so old and crude and made in an era of lower expectations that they are now truely not fit for purpose. The problem being the informtion provided about the item is so superficial that the buyer has no idea how poor the design is. I feel sorry for a junior or 3rd word person for whom the cost is not insignificant and they are thoroughly duped by the vendor and disappointed by the product.
Example 1: MM485 The model submarine plan "Sardine" I actually built 40 years ago. The design is to pre wwII standards in solid wood and tinplate. At 13 I knew no better but now I can see it is unutterable rubbish although technically it can be built to the plan.
Example 2: WE29 I haven't dug out the paper but I once purchased a plan for an "engraver" expecting some sort of simple pantograph. It turned out to be a rod dangling from a support with a needle on the end you were expected to scratch letters with. Totally ridiculous.
Both the above should be marked in the catalogue as "included for historical record, not suitable for construction".
edit to add plan numbers and the following comment:
Bear in mind these were bought before the internet was even invented. I see the boat still has a deceptively good picture and you can see the engraver plan for what it is.
Edited By Bazyle on 10/05/2012 17:12:34
Edited By Bazyle on 10/05/2012 17:16:59