John McNamara,
The only reason why Word is the word processor of choice is simply due to Microsoft's policies. Often, you will find a new machine may well have Works or a limited version of Office included. Furthermore, schools use Office – don't know why, but wouldn't be surprised to find that there has been some sort of financial deal done. In any event, Microsoft offer price reductions to any person who has a student, or student to be (pre-school child) in the house. Similarly, a lot of businesses use Office – again I would not be surprised to find a financial inducement based on quantity of licences bought.
But, what about those individuals like myself who on a personal basis have no possibility of obtaining a price reduction. Are we to fork out large amounts of money for something of which we would probably only ever use a small subset of the facilities offered? Frankly, the answer is no – especially when there are alternatives available which are just as good.
Frankly, it is high time that people like you accept and understand that there are good alternatives available. I have used Lotus Smartsuite in the past. I now use Open Office. I have even used a DOS based program which did everything that I needed, and more besides. Someone here has mentioned Libre – I have no experience, but I do know that people do use it.
John, Microsoft is NOT the be all and end all of the computing world, and on a personal basis, the sooner that is realised the better.
In respect of cut and paste, I have never had to do it yet – and I have produced some long posts. It simply is not necessary.
Peter G. Shaw
ps. Whilst on about it, why on earth do all those users of Word assume that everyone else uses Word and thus issue documents on the .doc format which again is NOT an international standard. It IS a Microsoft proprietory standard. What would Word users do if I sent them a document writen in the Open Office propretory standard, eg .odt? I rather imagine that they would not be able to open it.