If it’s a single brick thickness, 200 years old and 4’6″ high, I’d be very reluctant to try drilling holes in it. How long is the wall? If it’s more than 10-12ft it should ideally be butressed anyway. Colin’s absolutely right – this could be potentially lethal, and with a wall like that the best thing to do is to start over. That way, you know what you’ve actually got, rather than guessing at it.
A few years back I faced a similar problem, only on a sligtly smaller scale. I replaced the dodgy wall with hollow concrete blocks on a new foundation, having dug away some of the soil from behind it (leaving a large concrete ramp unsupported, but what the heck, nobody was standing on it!) and then backfilled it up to the wall afterwards. It was only 10ft wide, and relatively low at about 2ft, but if it had been higher I would definitely have buttressed it. I’ve seen what happens when a brick wall collapses on somebody, and it’s not pretty.