Well, at last I can report on various things that I now have working.
The first is the inverter drive, What a joy. even parting off is no problem, the rear type parting tool holder has now been consigned to the bin where it belongs. I do a lot of threading in Ali, all up to a shouder. The chuck stops in 5 thou of travel, so with a 1 thread undercut I have no problems.
The anodising department is now up and running. After a steep learning curve I can now produce work that stands beside commercial output. I haven’t tried colours yet.
As promised here is a pic of the holders.
The body is PVC, The screw Ali, (it never goes in the acid) and all the wire is Titanium.
The ends of the prongs are fine points that lock into the threads.
Thanks to all who gave me help and pointers.