Busting load – will be the tensile stress at the root of each bade. The load which generates that stress will depend on the size and shape of the blade. Then you have to determine the thrust on the blade because you have forces in 2 directions.
The centrifugal force is solely dependent on velocity and blade mass so you can work that out in 2 seconds. But you need root area to convert that into a stress, and allowable stress varies, in old units from about 18tons tensile for cooking mild, up to to 50 tons tensile (from memory) for some of the MARAGING steels (martensitic age hardening)- depending on conditions – as does their suitability.
The aerodynamic force is a little more difficult, partly because aerodynamic equations tend to be relatively complex, and partly because the standard equations may not apply – they are for wings of relatively high aspect ratio, and you are talking in turbine blades of very short fat wings. (very low aspect ratio)
And you may well also have to make some compensation for temperature or creep – see below.
Importantly in any short fat wing, much in the way of losses is determined by spillover due to the pressure differential between the front and back of the blade – you lose effctive area. The way to stop that is to fit a plate to the wingtip (see all the F1 cars) – in a turbine that means a very close fit between blade tip and casing. You have to allow for and include blade stretch.
To work that out you have to allow for both the increase in diameter due to simple thermal expansion, and due to centrifugal loads. And all that presupposes that you know quite a bit about your materials, and the conditions inside the turbine?
So anyone who offered a one liner would be very unwise.
Edited By meyrick griffith-jones on 05/10/2009 23:01:01