I occasionally get odds and ends locally but without wishing to knock the local guys the market is too small here to support a major supplier. I order direct from the UK, in no particular order. Reeves, ARC Euro, Polly Model, RGD, Blackgates, BA Bolts etc and at times have had stuff delivered quicker and cheaper than from there, including the postage. As Ian says Little Metal Co for sheet cut to size, as Mico will only sell full sheets.
Ullirich for Aluminum, Atlas Specialty metals for stainless, some brass, Steel and tube for steel. Kendalls for silver solder, flux etc Look up your local engineering company and go and talk to them. Everyone I've approached have been more than accommodating and will sell short lengths by weight. Some of the smaller scrap dealers will still allow a bit of a rummage for useful items.
Tooling try CTC in Hong Kong, but I've now started using Alibaba and going direct to Chinese suppliers (e.g. ER32 collets US$2 each, with shipping US$5, whereas locally they want NZ$35) Shipping is always the hard part when going direct to China but still cheaper, even if you go over the threshold for GST and have to pay.
PS Where are you? one of us may be local to you.
Edited By Doubletop on 04/03/2014 10:01:42
Edited By Doubletop on 04/03/2014 10:02:50