Hi Cadders, I too am trying to update myself into a better 2d/3d cad app (from old ACAD days)
Is anyone else out there as deeply suspicious of cloud/online apps
Just cos Im paranoid doesnt make me wrong
I have enough trouble living with the fact that you have virtually no privacy left worth a damn these days
I habitually use an alias presence on the web (not because Im in anything remotely improper) just to confuse all the data mining and reselling that goes on without your consent. But I daresay thats probably a false sense of security as my alias is probably tied back to my personal data by now anyway.
I just dont like the idea of my data being held by a third party . who knows what might happen despite all the hyped promises of security
If my data stays on my thumb drive, I have control
Online apps often contain ownership issues that should make you uncomfortable – just look at what happens on social media, your data once out there never goes away despite closing your acc etc. These foolish young things escapades – as we all did – may well come back to haunt youngsters and blight their employment records. Just look at the way the press pillory public figures for their youthful follies that get shown up in long forgotten snapshots.
And if you think this is OTT have you noticed how aggressive Google is trying to gather you into its kraal
I have a laptop with W10, used intermittently. If I leave it for a month hibernating offline. dont think I can just open the lid and carry on. M$ insists on carrying out a W10 update right away, so my laptop becomes unusable for up to an hour while this is going on often involving several reboots. The only sure way is to leave my laptop connected 24/7 – how sinister is that. Ive tried several workarounds – like update at 3am etc but W10 always interferes
So the question here is
How much control do I have over my CAD time. Providers want you locked into their subscription model and use dirty tricks to turn you into a beached whale. Give you goodies in the trial period and withdraw them a year later eg Fusion = 2d drawings
If you are going to invest 100's hours learning an app, is it going to come back and bite you painfully $$$
Big companies get a different deal to hobbyists cos they have financial muscle of 1000's users licenses
What I take from the above valuable observations is take the trouble at the outset to keep dedicated older machines running eg XPSP3, W7 etc cw installation progs and operating versions and beware of allowing so called updates. Only allow updates away from your original working prog – you never know what dirty tricks, snooping etc may be played with opening an update port. I have experienced such tricks played by big Corps who buy out small gem apps then set the monetisers on them and ruin them particularly for the hobbyist
But a good CAD app is very rewarding – like the philosphers stone