Hi Thomas,
I am not surprised that you are experiencing blocked tubes in your boiler. My Rob Roy, built to the published design, has always suffered from the lower four tubes blocking after a while. It's easy to tell when it happens, the production of steam suddenly decreases.
Last year at the Andover M E S we held trials of Ecoal 50. This is a fuel made from coal and ground up olive stones. It comes in briquettes that have to be broken up into pieces to suit the size of the loco. This is quite easily done with little wastage.
I found it burnt well and the engine liked it. More importantly, everyone who tried it, from 3 1/2" to 7 1/4", all commented on how fine the ash was and how clear the smokebox was at the end of the run.
I had no problem with blocked tubes at all using this fuel.
There is, of course, a down side. Many of us found the fumes a little acrid, streaming eyes and runny noses were the result, even though it is claimed to be "smokeless"
Ecoal 50 is readily available, Wickes sell it in 10kg bags, a quantity that would last for a long time in a Rob Roy. For the sake of £7 I would recommend that you give it a try. If you do, please let us know the result.
Good luck!