Hi All,
Having downloaded and installed this great program I set about getting to grips with it.
Read many of the tutorials and watched a lot of the videos then thought I would try to model Jason B's Jowitt from his drawings.
With virtually no CAD background except some time on SketchUp I have found this a rewarding if at times extremely frustrating experience.
Much of the simple stuff is pretty straight forward and intuitive but when you get to joints and animation the water gets very deep really quickly.
The single best lifebelt to reach for is to join the F360 forums where an enormous amount of first rate and entusiastic help is at hand. Also I found that downloading the SCREENCAST program allows you to upload the problem you are having instead of having to try and explain it. The helper online can see exactly what you have done and show you your error or explain the way forward.
Make lots of files with the separate components rather than try and do it all in one model; importing theparts is easy as you begin assembly after actally creating the parts.
I am still some way from having a complete 3D 'working' model but it is coming along and has certainly given me the enthusiasm to actually build this Jowitt for real when I can.
Regards and many thanks to Jason for alowing this copying!