Analysis & Simulation with CATIA


Analysis & Simulation with CATIA

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    joseba guevara

      Hi everyone,

      I'm new on that so I'll try to explain my self properly hehe.

      I'm triying to do some finite element analysi withe the modul Analysis & Simulation of Catia V5-16.

      The problem comes around when I try to define the loads on my figure. I'm working with an endlees worm and I have to apply the loads not in the whole perimeter but in a small surface, the one in contact with the gear. How can I define this surface? I have try to project a plane on the worm but it doesn't work properly.

      I have the same problem when trying to analyze a spindle, as I do have to apply the loads only in just a pair of the threads and I don´t know how to do that. I have read something about the extract modul but nothing especific neither good explained.

      Thanks everyone!!

      joseba guevara

          Hi JG ,

          I'm afraid that you'll need substantial technical education to do this properly .

          The shape and size of the contact zone between worm and gear is determined by the specific geometry of both parts and on the loading .

          The common load line between both is at a compound angle determined by the specific geometry of both parts .

          I suggest that you study :

          Gear theory .

          Contact stress theory and high load contact zone surface deformations . A lot of this is covered in ball bearing theory .

          Auxilliary plane projection in traditional drawing and then in CAD .

          This is really too complex a subject for this site and whilst I'd be happy to answer a few questions I don't think that me giving a long detailed general explanation on here would be appropriate .

          I wish you every sucess in any case ,

          Michael Williams .


            Lost me in the first 10 words,


              Posted by MICHAEL WILLIAMS on 13/12/2012 19:24:06:

              This is really too complex a subject for this site and whilst I'd be happy to answer a few questions I don't think that me giving a long detailed general explanation on here would be appropriate .

              Aw, go on, try us. If we're too dumb to understand so be it, but if we don't try we'll never know.


              jason udall

                "Aw, go on, try us. If we're too dumb to understand so be it, but if we don't try we'll never know.


                yes have to say haven't used catia for yonks but the theory would be intresting.

                Sub Mandrel

                  Use a real worm and wheel and some engineer's blue to find out what teh real contact patch looks like? Or is that too empirical?


                  gary w

                    If you are using Catia V5-16, this is a proffesional 3D cad package. Would you not have colleagues who may be able to offer advice at work?. I suggest that you try asking this question on websites such as Grabcad.

                    Mark C

                      Andrew, which bit of the question/answer would you think we should start with – tribology, metallurgy, material science, transmission/gear design or advanced simulation and modelling?

                      As Gary points out, the answer to this question is to seek help from his Catia reseller who will no doubt accommodate him with the required training to use these tools confidently. I must also admit to being curious as to how he has managed to get access to that level of software without having the associated support available.



                        I was hoping for an insight into contact stress theory, and an overview of ball bearing theory would have been interesting.



                        Mark C

                          You might find the NSK (RHP Bearings) web site interesting if you want to know more about bearings without getting too technical at first.




                            Mark: Thanks for the link to the NSK website. I've downloaded some of their technical documents. They'll come in useful as and when I re-design the spindle and bearings on my surface grinder.



                            Mark C

                              Andrew, you might also look at the SKF site along with the INA offerings. SKF are particularly good for spindles etc. depending on how industrial you want to go!


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