Can you be specific about your weight and size restrictions? 10 years since I saw a Dore Westbury, didn't pay it much attention because I'm suspicious of round columns, and my memory is terrible! Vaguely remember it being on the small side but probably too heavy to lift on my own – could be wrong. I've no idea how heavy a Centec 2a with a vertical head is. Also, what's the special flexibility needed that other small mills can't do?
Popular machines in their day but they stopped making Dore Westburys about 25 years ago. I guess most purchasers back then thought Far Eastern mills were better value for money?
If a Dore Westbury doesn't come up, there are various ways of moving stuff in a small workshop that might allow a heavier machine to be substituted: stands with castors, slides, overhead hoists etc. Might be worth opening up options by asking that question as well.