I wish I had one of those small Warco surface grinders. They now cost over £3000. Usually they are out of stock so are not a real temptation but now Warco says 'almost sold out'.
Why do I want one:
Small morse taper fittings for a cowells. Make 8mm collets. (I have made some without a grinder)
Make thin taper ground sheet for small handsaws. (I don't think taper ground makes much difference in reality)
Sharpen end mills.
Make parts for folding knives. (I have made some without a grinder)
It might fit in the spare space in my workshop.
I get to learn about surface grinding (this probably the only real reason).
Why Warco
New – so should work out the box. I imagine a knackerd grinder is more frustrating than a knackered lather.
Small – it fits.
Easy delivery – I don't like hassle.
There is no competition.
You never seem them second hand. I guess they might have quite good resale value (in terms of %, not total amount lost).