Well, I’ve done the flats, separated the castings, mostly formed the hinge, and turned the fingers.
The casting isn’t big enough to achieve the 1” diameter of the hinge bosses, but I don’t think it really matters. My first time radial milling seemed to go okay (I’ve only owned the mill for a few months).
Not especially happy with the female hinge boss. I was aiming for a 6mm slot, but accepting it might cut oversize (I just machined the male part to fit). The inner sides aren’t very parallel, nor flat-bottomed. After some work with a file, the hinge fits but there is a small amount of play axial to the pin.
Cutter was a longish 6mm Clarkson which came with the machine. I guess the non-flat bottom is down to chipped teeth on the cutter. The non-parallelism is a bit more annoying – I assume the piece was flexing/vibrating.
Should I have gone for an even smaller cutter (5mm?), then stepped over to each side? No DRO, so I was at the mercy of backlash.