My mill has a concrete base with welded metal structure to make it higher so I don't bent my back too much, same with lathe, some advice I got. The mill is bolted on 6x 20mm bolts and the purpose of that was to get it level for coolant flow and a sturdy base, just the way I decided to do it. If it was not for that I would just placed the mill on the floor.
While on the subject of levelling, the lathe is another story, but there are lathes on ships too, so its more about the bed twisted than levelling, but theres coolant involved maybe too. The interesting thing is if you bolt a smaller lathe down to anything, you have a problem, then you must shim it and hope your surface bolted too is stable enough.
Bolting it may twist the lathe bed…..Something to think about.
I bought one of these box levels recently on a show, however it times out before I can set it up after zeroed for a comparison to make an adjustment, so that was that. I don't know if I open it up there may be aplace to disable the timeout. Maybe it was not the best type.