See pictures below. I thought I'd share this in case it would be useful one someone else.
A while ago I started looking for a design for a small height adjustable table/worktop that I could easily swing around the workshop.
I didn't find what I was looking for, but the closest I could was this one. I think that one is brilliant, it was just bigger and bulkier than I was looking for. Kyle was kind and sent me drawings.
So, I set out to design my own based on his, and here it is. I give him full credit for the design/idea.
I've attached rendered images from Fusion 360, so not drawing. Happy to share the Fusion 360 file if anyone is interested.
The table is 700x630mm and height is 670mm. Beams are 40x40mm. Designed to fit under my worktop with a table saw on top.
One of the brilliance with Kyle's design is that the castor wheels retract when you raise the worktop. I'm putting castors with brakes anyway so it’s usable in the lowest settings.
One thing that's not shown are "clamps" on each leg. Effectively 4 bolts, each through a pair of inner/outer leg. Outer leg has a hole, inner leg has a slot. I can tighten those after height adjustment to make it sturdy and have the worktop not just sit on the jack.
Planning to build it over the next few days. Constructive criticism welcome!
Edited By King Olaf on 10/08/2022 18:04:20