So far I have used my Warco-badged BS 0 or 1 dividing-head only infrequently and in direct stepping and protractor modes.
I now wish to engrave some 50-division dials, my first go at full dividing (from the holey plate), but it won't give them! Is that right?
Studying Ivan Law's book on gear-cutting, I had rightly worked out the method, but the stop-fingers will not close back-to-back sufficiently for the calculated setting. My sums are:
5 major divisions (the tens): 72º per division; 5s at 36º steps: both attainable using the DH's protractor scale and a calculated list of angles.
The 1s though (= 0.001" travel on 20tpi lead-screws) are at 7.2º increments.
The fitting's only possible dividing-plate settings are the 20- and 15- hole circles; the 20-hole the better choice. 40:1 ratio so (40/50) full turn for 7.2º.
So presumably set the fingers to span (4/5) X 20 = 15 holes.
No! That gives an accumulating error I found and calculated, by testing 10 division-moves against the protractor. I recalled a thread on here a long time ago that the fingers need setting in 1 hole closer than you would expect.
Therefore set the fingers at 0 and 16, not 0 and 15. Or the 15-hole equivalent. The tool actually bounds spaces round the disc, each marked by 2 holes, not simply counts holes.
Only they won't go. They stop against themselves before even opening the 16th hole to lead, so to speak. The other two plates offer only prime- and odd-, number circles that won't give 50 divisions.
So what am I doing wrong, please?
Have I missed a calculation or something?
Or do I need contact Warco to see if they supply larger-count plates that will allow 50 (and greater)? Warco's web-site is not forthcoming; stating only that it offers the heads with 2 plates, and not enumerating them.
This dividing-head is not worn-out or broken. I bought it hardly used, if at all (bereavement sale within the club), It is though, very stiff and "lumpy" to operate; not giving smooth full rotations even when disengaged. I don't know if it is grease-packed and that has hardened over the years.
I have also been unable to discover how to lock the engagement, risking disengagement and back-slipping when manipulating the fingers and a very awkward, stiff detent with a too-strong spring.