Hi Bob, I can't help with your specific boiler but with my designs and builds I use the 10% rule as mentioned previously from the top of the inner firebox rapper (works well and you have ample time to recover a boiler). I've found the sweet spot for most of my boilers to be with a steam volume of roughly 10%, and where practical this is my mid-point of the sight glass. I wouldn't be too pedantic now on running at an exact point, as the level does move a little on steam (especially if the sight glass holes are too large) and unless you get a lot of track time in you probably won't notice much difference.
As to the fusible plug: I personally don't install them on my class 0 or class 1 boilers, but then the crown is designed to run dry, and the grate can be easily dropped. This is of course dependent on the local bureaucracy.
The speedy was a successful model, we have one that has run for years…